We help
startups grow

Supplement your training needs with additional training staff or outsource your training to us.

a man in a yellow shirt is standing in front of a group of people
a man in a yellow shirt is standing in front of a group of people

Focus your business
resources on growth.

Supplement your training needs with additional training staff or outsource your training to our professional teacher trainers.

If your startup business growth is limited or stuck because you and your team are investing valuable time and energy in routine post-sale product training and implementation, or doing post-sale professional development training, we can help you with this persistent tipping point problem that has stalled the growth of many startup businesses.

Our Teacherspreneur service will get you refocused on growing again!

TeachersPreneur offers startups and established companies in the education space and other industries a unique set of trainers. Our trainers are certified, and vetted professional classroom teachers who are already knowledgeable and experienced in the education industry, in preparing and delivering presentations and most of all are experienced in in training people. Our teacher trainers understand technology and the specialized language and terminology needed to effectively communicate your value proposition to other educators.

Partnering with TeachersPreneur allows your team to focus on what is important and not spend time on additional payroll, or staff management issues freeing your time and resources to focus on what matters most to your business, growth!

Startups face unique challenges when it comes to scaling and growing their businesses. One of the key aspects that can greatly impact their success is the quality of training provided. As the backbone of any educational institution, teachers play a crucial role in delivering effective and engaging learning experiences. Therefore, it is essential for startups to prioritize their training needs.

TeachersPreneur can help Edu-startups with:

1. Expertise and Experience
Professional teacher trainers have the expertise and experience necessary to design and deliver high-quality training programs. They understand the nuances of teaching and learning and are well-versed in the latest educational research and methodologies.

2. Time and Resource Efficiency
Developing and delivering training programs can be time-consuming and resource-intensive for startups. By outsourcing this task to professional teacher trainers, they can free up their own time and resources to focus on other core aspects of their business. This allows them to operate more efficiently and effectively, ultimately leading to greater scalability and growth.

3. Quality Assurance
By investing in quality training, startups can enhance the overall learning experience of their clients and build a strong reputation in the education industry.

Fill out the form below for a free consultation with a member of our team so we can discuss how we can be of service to you and your business. This is an opportunity for you to partner with a trusted professional team that can make the difference for your business operations.

two women looking at the screen of a MacBook
two women looking at the screen of a MacBook

We are currently partnered with, and supporting
the following startup companies

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two women taking to each other while holding pens
two women taking to each other while holding pens